Just a few Links relevant to these books or this web site
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Library of Congress
Library of Congress Preassigned Catalog Number Program
National Archives
New England Historic and Genealogic Society
Widner Library, Harvard University
Higginson Book Company has large catalog of genealogy books for sale
OMII Mennonite Genealogy Project, Kidron, OH
The Mormon LDS church's new web site with many search possibilities
Templeton Foundation
Brothers Keeper is an excellent genealogy shareware program you can download free
Best Genealogy Links
More Best Genealogy Links
Ecclesiatical Calendar
Board for Certification of Genealogists
World Wide Genealogy
GED to HTML is a program to convert GEDCOM databases to HTML format
Roots Web, the first and perhaps largest genealogy "Master" site
Cyndi's Listhttp://www.ancestry.com/ is one of the best known genealogy master sites
Soundex Code converter will give you the correct code for any name you type in
Jewish Genealogy web site at Jewishgen.org is a must-visit web site for Jewish genealogy
Miriam Weiner's Routes to Roots is an important Jewish genealogy web site, and source for an excellent book
U.S. Gen Web Project
Alsace and German Genealogy sources 1
Alsace and German Genealogy sources 2
Calculates birth date from death date plus age in years, months, days
Obtain Scottish records on line for a small fee
General Register Office of Scotland
Public records office of Northern Ireland
Harcourt Book Bindery does very high quality leather bindings by hand
Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial and library in Israel
Refdesk.com helps you find hard-to-find facts
ACME Bookbinding
Many additional genealogy links
Ancestry dot com There is annual fee after intro week or 2, but it is essential for US census, and certain other records
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