Barclay of William Barclay m. 1797
Barth of Nicholas Barth b. 1844 in Frohmuhl
near Strasbourg, Alsace, France & of Salina, KS, & of Christian Barth
b. 1725 Lorraine
Bate of Humphrey Bate d. aft 12 May 1740, of
Bertie Co, NC
Beall of Col. Ninian
Bell b. 1625
Birath of Johan Birath b. 1620 in Kvistbro,
Bratton of
Robert Bratton b. ca 1712 of Augusta Co, VA
Bryson of Richard b. 1806 and Thomas T. b.1812
in Lancaster Co., PA, almost certainly brothers
Calderwood of James Calderwood m.
1798 Beith,
Cochlin of Thomas C. Cochlin
b. 1825
Cole of William Cole b. ca 1800 Orange Co, NC
Colyar of William Colyer
or Collier b. ca 1750 probably Fauquier Co, VA, of Washington Co, TN
Conrad of Daniel Conrad b. ca 1775 of Franklin Twp, Huntingdon Co, PA
DeMartino of Simone DeMartino
b. ca 1670
Derrickson of George Derrickson
b. 1818 in PA
Dill of Capt. Matthew Dill of Dillsburg b. ca 1698
nr Monaghan, Donegal,
Eilenberg of Ephraim ben Gerszon Eilenberg b. 1819
probably in Kleczew,
Elliott of Capt. Samuel Elliott Sr. b. 1751 Ballymenna, Co. Antrim, Ulster, Northern Ireland, of
Licking Co, OH
Folk Descended of Emperor Charlemagne b. 742,
& of Wm. Folkes b. 1753 Northampton Co, NC, &
prob. of Thomas Fowke b 1666
Furlong of Thomas Furlong b. 1842 in
Gargiulo of Sebastiano Gargiulo b. ca 1570 Piano
Gibson of Patrick Gibson b. 1797
Greenleaf of Martin Grünblatt
b. ca 1730 in
Grünblatt of
Martin Grünblatt b. ca 1730 in
Gutman of Notko Gutman b. ca 1800 of
Handly of William Handly
b. 1720
Hays of John Hays b. 1728 Lisaghmore,
Clondermot, Londonderry,
Heilperin of Mordecai Zevi ben Yitzhak Heylperin b. 1848 of Suwalki and
Herr of Hans Herr b. 1639 in
of John Yaggy
b. 1817 Neuchatel, Switzerland, of Grabill IN, plus
previous 3 generations of Jaggi family of Gsteig, Switzerland
King of John King b. 1672 Dungannon,
Kronenberg of Jdzko ben Leyb Kronenberg
b. 1813, of
Lembo of Giuseppe Lembo
b. ca 1640
Lindberg of Lars Gustav Lindberg b. 1841 near Nora,
Maneely of William Maneely
b. 1830
Marks of Reverend John Marks b. 1716 of Montgomery Co, PA and Loudoun
Co, VA
Matter of Hans Matter b. ca 1620 of
McCullough of James McCullough d.
1785 Cumberland Co, PA
Moore of James Moore b. 1650 in Ballymacrea, Co. Antrim, Ireland and his son Andrew of Sadsbury Twp. Chester Co., PA
Nowak of
Szlama (Solomon) Nowak b. ca 1795 probably in Belchatow,
Pilcher Descended of Emperor Charlemagne, and of
Joshua Pilcher b. 1743 of Culpepper Co, VA, 3rd gen. of Pilchers in VA
Ross of Duncan Ross b.1790 prob
Roth of Jacob Roth b. 1794
Rott of Jacob Roth b. 1794
Salvo of Sebastiano Salvo
b. ca 1844 and his brother Vito, of Santa Agata de Militello,
Sawyer of Betfield Sawyer b. 1774 of Hill, NH,
6th generation descendant of William Sawyer immigrant to Newbury, MA ca 1637
Schlunegger of Johannes Schlunegger
b. 1739
Simpson of
Charles Simpson b.1759 Barwell,
Steinmeyer of Johann Georg Steinmeyer
d. 1775 in Lieme, Principality of
Strayhorn of Gilbert Strayhorn
b. 1715 Dauphin Co, PA of Orange Co, NC
Svensson of
Lars Svensson b 1729 in
Templeton of John
Templeton b. after 1755, of Iredell Co, NC
Vuotto of Salvatore Vuotto
b. ca 1820
Winston Descended
of Emperor Charlemagne, and of William Winston d.
before Feb 1702, in New Kent Co, VA
of John Yaggy
b. 1817 Neuchatel, Switzerland, of Grabill IN, plus
previous 3 generations of Jaggi family of Gsteig, Switzerland
Yaggy of John Yaggy b.
1817 Neuchatel, Switzerland, of Grabill IN, plus
previous 3 generations of Jaggi family of Gsteig, Switzerland
Zimmerman of
Johan Jost Zimmerman b. 1721 Trupbach,
Siegen, Germany, of Bedford Co, PA plus previous 3 gen near Siegen, Germany